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With Kloutit
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Pay only for results

We care about you recovering what’s yours, without hassle or surprises.

A solution tailored to each sector

The entire chargeback process automated with AI

Integration with payment processors

Attach the evidence you need

Are you an enterprise?

Exclusive customizations for your organization

Exclusive pricing tailored to your needs

Integration with all your subsidiaries

Premium assistance and technical support

Would you rather forget about chargebacks once and for all?

We take care of everything so you can focus on what truly matters.

Time improvement meterTime improvement meter

Outsourcing Service

A personal chargeback manager

Dashboard for metric analysis

Monthly report on chargebacks

Assistance and technical support

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for Kloutit to generate a defense?

How does Kloutit guarantee personalized defenses for each dispute?

Can I fully automate the defense process?

What types of businesses can benefit from Kloutit?

What success rate can I achieve with Kloutit?

Which payment processors do we integrate with?

Does Kloutit adapt to the regulations and policies of different banks and processors?

Can I use Kloutit without any integration?

How does Kloutit protect my data and my clients' data?